tisdag 1 maj 2007


Alltså jag döööööööööööööööööööör på den här dagen och den har inte ens börjat. Gick och la mig kl 2. (mitt eget fel I know. kl halv tre ringer den där jävla Matthias! (tillåt mig en omskrivning jag dör på Matthias) Så jag blir klarvaken av ljudet. Svarade INTE. Så kl tre har jag fallig i ett slags dvala. Vem ringer, om inte MATTHIAS. IGEN!!!! Grrrrrrrrrr! Sedan var jag klarvaken till kl fyra. Och nu gick jag upp kl åtta eftersom jag måste vrida rätt mitt dygn tills imorgon. Och min eriksson laddare är trasig. Så min mobil dör snart. Morr.. spott... fräs... gnäll...! Vad är det för fel på folk? Okej att an ringer sent till folk, men har man ring en gång och inte fått åt svarr tar man väl det som en hint att personen.. jag vet inte.. sover?!? O_O Jag dör.. jag är så sömnig. Och jag förstår inte varför han alltid ska ringa mitt i natten. Förtydling. Jag förstår inte varför han alltid ska ringa. Eller för den delen, varför jag var självmordsbenägen nog att messa honom när jag kom hem. Men han ÄR rätt rolig och han dansar faktiskt Lindy, så jag vill gärna ha honom som vän. Men en vän som ringer inom rimliga tider för guds skull!!!!!!!! Han är rätt lik Jann faktiskt.. nu när jag kommer att tänka på det. Fast Jann ringde inte kl 3 på morognen. Inte ens HAN gjorde det.. och han är ändå rätt knäpp... Okej, nu har jag klagat klart så över till roligare nyheter. Idag ska jag till IKEA och titta på möbler! yay! Med Lisa! Yay igen! (Om jag är tillräckligt vaken för att tänka.. Mummelmutter) Nej, jag är fan fortfarande sur.

måndag 16 april 2007

Susanna <3

Jag är hemma hos Susanna!

Lämnade Chartes idag. Där har jag levt lata dagar. Suttit i solen och läst, promenerat m Nicoja och tittat pâ kyrkor.
Nicoja är Alyonas äldsta son. Hon har tvâ. Alexandre och Nicoja. Utöver detta har hon en man, Michel. Alyona själv var ihop med min morbror en gâng världen, men ärnumer reducerad till vän till familjen.

Hon och hennes familj bor i en villa i Chartes omgive av fruktträd som alla blommat till sin brstningsgräns.
Lunch och middag fördrevs med nöje i den skuggiga trädgârden, där vi sökte vâr tillflykt frân värmen. För det har varit 25-27°C varmt, och kl 24.00 igâr natt vandrade jag hemât genom Chartes i den 18° natten. Pâminn mig om varför jag nâgonsin skulle vilja âka hem? Just det, mina polers!!!

Chartes bvar en söt men oerhört lugn stad. Sâ även om jag njöt av att leva stilla familjeliv kändes det som om det var dags för fler äventyr, och omlokaliseringen till Paris skedde i rättan tid!

Jag har varit pâ konsert förresten! The Gotam Project. Det var bra, jag tror Sara skulle gilla dem! Gör du det?

Imorgon ska jag ragga hostall medan Susanna är i skolan, och sedan ska vi gâ pâ en kyrkogârd. Det känns mysko, att det är sâ normalt att hänga med henne! Precis som om hon inte alls varit borta i typ 4 mânader... Antar att det är ett gott tecken.. Tror jag...
Och det är mysko att jag âker hem om mindre en tvâ veckor... VÄLDIGT konstigt faktiskt.

Hmmm... Âterkommer senare om hur Paris är. Puss

torsdag 12 april 2007


Det blir ingen festival... :( Inte for att det gor nagot.. (lagg marke till att jag skriver pa "svenska") men iaf. Har varit tva natter nu i Brighton och halsat pa Wills mamma Thalia som ar hemskt trevlig men lite knapp.. Detaljer kommer nar jag val ar hemma...
Ikvall tar jag natt farja over till Frankrike om allt gar som beraknat och sedan blir det Chartes. OCH PASRIS! SUSANNA! YAY!!!!

Heh. Hittade just en massa brev och vykort som jag srev for typ en vecka sen men inte har postat.. oops.. Far ta tag i det nu tror jag. Forlat Allesammans!br> Jag har bytt harfarg forresten. Men jag ar inte alls saker pa om jag gillar det eller inte... Hmmm... Kanske Susanna for domma. "KANN PRESSEN!!!!" Julia vad ar din adress!? Jag vill ju skicka massa fina kort till dig med ju!

Puss. Saknar er!

lördag 7 april 2007


My current hostel is so nice, and everyone working her is relly funny. Especially this canadian guy who lke sits with his guitarr all night complaining that theres no one partying in the bar.

Last night I wet to Matts birthday party. Don't ask me who that was, is or what ever. Have no idea. I went to a pub that the candian guy reccomended and they where a big bunch of people, and since they where kind of drunk, and I sat by a big table, I immidiatly became a part of the crowd.
Acctually it was quite fun, nd I hang out with them fo several hours. Exchangd emails with some of them aswell...So...

Otherwise, Cardiff is a nice city, with lots of newing things oing on, new architecture, youthful nghtlife and a big university.
I do prefer, say Cork or Galway tho. And I don't really experience Wales, since Cardiff s in the south of Wales and the landscape here is more brittish like.
I' starting to run out of time really, don'thow I will be able to do everything I want to do.
I tried to buy a ticket to a music festival in London tday. If I did it all right the ticket should go home to Susanna, and then I'll take of, sraight from her on the morning of the nineteenth to go to London and the Camden Crawl. Don't think I gt it all right tho. Confusing stuff.

My money has acctually been more then I thought since I got a payment from work in the middle of it, and att the moment I have over 20.000 kronor left. If nothing unforseen happens I'll probably have like 5-6000 left when I come home. Yay FURNITURE!

I just can't wait to get home and MOVE! Yeeehaaaaa!

The only thing that suck is tht I still have a cold.
But it's summer outside and I have a castle to see and a pair of legs to tan so now I'm off.

Ta dah!

fredag 6 april 2007

London, (sort of)

Only stoping by. Going with the train to somewhere any minute now. Haven't decided where yet. Guess I'll go by a guidebook or something. Came by nightbus from Dublin today, met as finnish lad named Olli that looks like a little leaprecaun. Hihi.. Very weird young fellow I'll say.
To come to the UK fellt like coming home. It's strange, I get the same feeling flying in over London. To go here is not to go away, but to return. Maybe I've been here to much.. Or something.

Will tell you more about things later, but this internet cafe is very expencive..

I had a dream tonight. I was back at Var Teater. And we where playing the brother Lionheart. And Carro and Disa and Fannie was in it, dancing historical dances. And me and Lisa and Mollie...
And I went there directly from my trip so I was so happy to see everyone, and you guys where like.. "Oh.. yeah right you been away.. hm.. aaanyway..." and totally ignorde me.. :( Stupid dream!
Love you! :D

måndag 2 april 2007


I met up with some CRAZY people last night. But I did have a really good time.
It was like this:
Three american girls where living in the same room as me. And they invited me to come along for dinner. Dinner become pubcrawl, and pubcrawl became nightclub, and before I knew how it happened, it was 3 am and we were standing with a bunch of Irish people outside the shut down club.

Well.. Lets say it really gave a... insight... into the Irish soul. And I can say that I've seen my first barfight, but I'm not sure that is a good thing..
I met this one Irishman tho.. called Donnel I think, and he said he would show me Galway today... But don't worrie mom, wer'e just friends.... ;)

Galway is beautioful and so is the weather, yesterday I just walked around and ended up with a book down in the harbours.. So nice, I acctually got tanned! (But only on one half of my face tho so it looked kind of weird...)

Tomorrow my plan is a to take a trip to Aran Islands and the take a late train to Cork. I booked accomodation there for one night, and after that I prpbaly ship over to Swansea in the UK. If I don't decide to go to the Spanish girls I met in Gort yesterday. That's another story...

You see, I thought I would be alone in the hostel after the three spanisg guys left. So I went early to bed and slept well, when five andalucians came rambeling in, in the middle of thew night.
Apparently they are here on a scholarship. And they live in Cork. The last thing one of them said, (her name was Maria) was that if I came to Cork, I was welcome to stay at their place. I don't know if they made it back there or if they still on their tour around Ireland. Anyway, my time is running out on the computer now, so I'll get back later... Love

lördag 31 mars 2007

Newsreport from Gort

Well. So I am in Gort at the moment, leaving for Galway tomorrow.

Gort is a small town, and even tho exactly nothjing really happens here. I almost like it better then Dublin. I get in contact with the Irishculture very well here. And not least important, the hostel is SO NICE!
Art Galleri Cafe hostel does not only have the samt atmosphere as Bla lotus. It holds the nicest room. I live in a seven mixed gender room above the coffee shop. And the walls are full of Sarah (the owners) own painting. The beds are soft and with double pillows and silk covers... It is fab!
I almost don't want to leave it.

I shared the room with three guys from Spain last night, but they movced on to Cork this morning and I don't know yet if there is someone else staing there tonight. I almost hopes it isn't since I am like completly digging my new, solitaire life.

Last night I mixed with the locals and heard Paddy the Punk play live in one of the pubs. The man behind that fancy name was a thirty- Forty year old man with a synt. Playng everything from Dirty old Town to Love me Tender. Via My spanish lady, come along Sally, various filthy drinking toond and One a clock rock...
Don't you just love Irishmen?

Today I walked around Cool Park, where Yeats used to hang with his friend. Apparently he lived in Gort.. The sun has been shining all day and I fell asleep sunbathing in the green grass.. I seam tio do that alot latly. Fall asleep! Like when I went by bus through all of Ireland. I was planning of enjoying the spectacular landscape.. buut.. I fell asleep all the time... :/
Guess I need a rest huh?

I bought a book for 15€ today. It's from 1895 and is a description of the primitive man. Isn't that like as cool as it can get?!!!!

Well I am off for a walk in the sun before it gets dinnertime...
And Yes.. Sara.. the movie was really nice, in that girly, predictable wway you can't help but like... ;)